Get Started Now

The Credit Bureau Investigations team is ready to help you!

Step #1 – Contact Us & Speak to a Credit Specialist

In order to begin our credit enhancement program, we must first understand how your credit has been harmed through your past financial activity.

Step #2 – Setting Down a Plan of Action

Based off of our review of your credit report, we will provide realistic expectations and goals for you to meet as part of the credit repair process. THIS IS A PARTNERSHIP! Although our team will do a majority of the work for you, you too must work towards a better financial future by following the plan of action set forth by your consultant.

Step #3 – Updates & Status Reports

Throughout the program, you will receive e-mail and text message updates detailing your status in the repair process. You will also have 24/7 access to an online tracking tool to monitor your activity.

Step #4 – Successfully Complete the Program

Unlike most companies we do no overcharge you or play the “NO CONTRACT GAME, CANCEL ANYTIME” and try to keep you as a client for years.

We first assess your credit file to determine if we can help you to the point where you can achieve the goal you are talking to us about. If we can, then we discuss a game plan and steps towards achieving that goal.

Many times clients come to us looking for help when all they really need was some solid advice. We have even turned clients away stating that at this point paying anyone for credit services is wasting your money, we then give them some instructions and ask them to check back with us in 6 months.

Is this smart business? Probably not but is it GOOD business and the ways things SHOULD BE done without a doubt. Our industry is bad enough as it is so we try to be one of the beacons of light in our industry.

We have a fee schedule ranging from $350- $1,300 depending on the level of damage to your credit file and help set up a structured payment plan accordingly as required.

We do not overcharge our clients and for obvious reasons we do not want to undercharge as we are a business as I’m sure you can understand.

Our goal is to give expert advice on what is best for you not us.

By working hand in hand with us and following your plan of action, you will successfully complete your program and achieve the financial goals you set forth to accomplish. Remember, this process requires TEAMWORK.


